When Dan @ Gribnif said that the macro memory wouldn't be increased for the 3.03 update, I wrote a little batch file to load configuration files (.INF,.MAC,.NOT). Rather crude, but it works. I guess this'll hold us over til Dan (hopefully) increases that memory (.NOT memory too). If you install a macro to run this batch, then any cfg is only 3 keystrokes away. Not quite a hotkey, but think of it as a 3-character code for each cfg. When you run the batch, the first screen gives you a choice of which kind of cfg. That takes you to a screen that lists the actual cfgs themselves, each type listed separately. Just press the key listed (0-9,or a-j) & that's it. The basic format of the batch is : 1. Set path to cfg files location 2. Determine resolution, & set font size 3. START; - Menu to select cfg type 4. .INF1; - menu to select .INF cfgs (potentially the 1st of several pages 5. .MAC1; - menu to select .MAC cfgs (same as 4.) 6. .NOT1; - menu to select .NOT cfgs (same as 4.) All that nees to be done to customize the batch for your system is to: 1. Set the path you keep your cfgs in (the very first command in the batch) (I use c:\neo\cfg, replace that with your own pathname) 2. In each menu,(one for each type) list the names of the cfgs in the menu text area ("echo..." commands) 3. For each cfg you add to these menus, go to the corresponding " if "$b" == '\xxx " statement & fill in the actual filename of the cfg in the " loadinf... " command that immediately follows. 4. And lastly, don't forget to remove the semicolon in front of the " loadinf..." or the command won't be activated. If a whole page of cfg files for each type isn't enough (20 per page) you can easily set up addt'l pages using the third to last & second to last " if "$b" ==... " command groups in each menu. These are set up for pgup & pgdn. Using goto commands you can set up additional complete menus for each type of cfg you need & call them .INF2;,.MAC2;,.NOT2;,etc. Or instead, you could change the text area (don't skip lines as I did) & you can get 40 cfgs on each screen. Then you would need to add addt'l " elseif "$b" == '\xxx\" " loadinf... " " exit " " close " command combinations after the existing ones, BUT BEFORE the last " else... " command at the very end of each menu section. That's a catchall that will simply redisplay the existing menu for any keypress not already identified. Insert the new scancodes needed for the new keypresses you'll be assigning to cfgs 21-40 & you're all set. The scancodes are listed in the back of the NEO_CLI manual (at least in Ver. 1.0 that's where they are). Or for the truly power(mad)user use both methods together. If you're wondering why I put in the first section, it was so that I could make just one text section for each menu & use the font command to choose the best font size for each resolution. That was much easier & makes for a much smaller batch file than writing a different text section for each menu for each res. It's currently set up for the 3 ST & first 2 TT resolutions, but TT high & the new Falcon resolutions should be easy to add. If anyone has any ideas on improving this batch, be my guest, I'm just offering this up as is with no strings attached. Okay, one string - if you do make changes/improvements, PLEASE u/l them here so we can all benefit from them. Frank Goron